Reverse words in a given String using recursion

Reverse words in a given String using recursion. We need to reverse words by words in a given line and not the character in a given string. We need to solve this by using backtracking and recursion logic.
Reverse words in a given String using recursion

Let's see simple Java code for getting the given of words in a reverse order by using recursion.

public class ReverseLineByWords {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  String str = "Hello Java Discover";
  String finalStr = new ReverseLineByWords().reverseLine(str);
 public String reverseLine(String str){
  String word = "";
  int i = 0;
   if(str.charAt(i) == ' ') {
    word = word + " ";
    word = word + str.charAt(i);

  if(i < str.length()) 
   return reverseLine(str.substring(i+1)) + word;
  return (word + " ");


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