Find the smallest substring which contains all the characters of the other string. Here the characters order can be anything and only the conditions which need to be
Input : string = "this is a test string" pattern = "tist" Output : Minimum window is "t stri" Explanation: "t stri" contains all the characters of pattern. Input : string = "geeksforgeeks" pattern = "ork" Output : Minimum window is "ksfor"
Lets see simple program to get Smallest substring which contains all characters of other String
public class SmallestWindow { public static void main(String[] args) { String sen = "this is a test string"; String sStr = "tist"; int sStrLen = sStr.length(); String smallSubString = null; for(int i=0;i<sen.length();i++) { for(int j=sStrLen-1;j<sen.length();j++) { String tmp = sen.substring(i, j+1); boolean isContains = isContains(tmp, sStr); if(isContains) { if(smallSubString == null)
smallSubString = tmp; else if(smallSubString.length() > tmp.length())
smallSubString = tmp; } } sStrLen++; } if(smallSubString == null) System.out.println("No such window exists"); else System.out.println("Smallest window ::: "+smallSubString); } public static boolean isContains(String tmp, String sStr) { int array[] = new int[256]; for(int i=0;i<tmp.length();i++) { array[tmp.charAt(i)]++; }
for(int i=0;i<sStr.length();i++) { if(array[sStr.charAt(i)] == 0) return false; else array[sStr.charAt(i)]--; } return true; } }
Smallest window ::: t stri